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Legislative Republicans Join Advocates and Entrepreneurs at Press Conference

Mar 05, 2024 03:11PM ● By California Legislative Republicans News Release

SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) - On February 21, Republican lawmakers joined small-business owners and advocates on the West Steps of the Capitol for a press conference announcing legislation to support small businesses. During the press conference, speakers highlighted the challenges of operating a small business in California, including high taxes, heavy-handed regulations, rising costs, and crime.

“Small businesses are the backbone of California’s economy, but policies from the state on crime, taxes and regulations make it harder and harder to build and grow a business,” said Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher. “I’m proud to stand with these lawmakers and advocates as we fight to improve California’s business climate, reform the pro-criminal Prop. 47, and help these companies thrive.”

“California’s business environment ranks among the worst in the nation,” said Senate Minority Leader Brian Jones. “Our small businesses are struggling to stay alive with the burdens of excessive taxation and regulation, not to mention skyrocketing retail theft. California Republican lawmakers are committed to fixing these problems and creating an economic environment where our businesses can flourish.”

At the event, lawmakers presented legislation to address some of the financial, economic and regulatory roadblocks to doing business in the Golden State. Those bills include:

A plan to help retailers with a Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday from Asm. Diane Dixon, a proposal to help California businesses compete for state contracts from Asm. Laurie Davies, a bill allowing small businesses to correct regulatory violations before being fined from Asm. Tri Ta, legislation to cut down on lawsuits that stifle development from Sen. Roger Niello; and a constitutional amendment to pay down the state’s unemployment insurance debt and avert a small-business tax increase from Asm. Gallagher.

“California has become a very challenging place to raise your family and run a business,” said Senator Roger Niello. “My policy proposals will bring relief to those struggling from retail theft, crime, and burdensome regulation, and I hope to make our great state a place where families feel safe and small businesses can thrive.”

Speakers at the press conference also condemned the wave of retail and cargo theft that has plagued businesses throughout the state. Legislators announced bills to crack down on those thieves, including:

New grants to investigate and prosecute retail theft from Asm. Juan Alanis, a permanent extension of California’s organized retail theft law from Sen. Niello, and a proposal to cover cargo theft under the organized retail theft law from Asm. Alanis.

“Retail theft is particularly devastating to NFIB’s small business members whose ability to absorb inventory losses is razor thin,” said National Federation of Independent Business California State Director John Kabateck. “California’s business community and taxpayers deserve an end to this scourge and the time to get it done, is now.”

“As a career deputy sheriff, I have seen our law-enforcement agencies work tirelessly to adapt to the ever-changing mandates imposed upon them,” said Assemblyman Juan Alanis. “I’m proud to join my colleagues in supporting our law-enforcement agencies’ efforts, protecting our communities and businesses once again.”

Other attendees at the event included: Sutter County Supervisor Karm Bains, Assemblyman Tri Ta (R-Westminster), Assemblywoman Laurie Davies (R-Laguna Niguel), Assemblywoman Diane Dixon (R-Newport Beach), Assemblywoman Kate Sanchez (R-Rancho Santa Margarita), Assemblyman Bill Essayli (R-Corona), Assemblyman Tom Lackey (R-Palmdale), Assemblyman Devon J. Mathis (R-Tulare), Senator Janet Nguyen (R-Huntington Beach), Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh (R-Yucaipa), Senator Kelly Seyarto (R-Murietta), and Senator Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield).