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Arden Advocate

County Charts Its Green Journey with New Dashboard

Feb 13, 2024 01:44PM ● By Sacramento County News Release

SACRAMENTO COUNTY, CA (MPG) - Sacramento County is launching a new, easy-to-use “Sustainability Dashboard,” which charts the County’s course on its way toward achieving greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions and adapting to climate change.

The Sustainability Dashboard lists each of the County’s specific measures to reduce GHGs and adapt to climate change with a color chart that indicates whether the efforts for the measure have begun, and some goals have been achieved; whether efforts for the measure have started; or if efforts for the measure have not started:

“You don’t have to be an expert on environmental or sustainability issues to get a handle on the work we’re doing,” said John Lundgren, Sacramento County’s Sustainability Manager. “This website is designed for anyone who has an interest in understanding the County’s progress on specific efforts for providing a cleaner, healthier environment for everyone.”

For instance, one of the measures, Establishing Safe Routes to School, is labeled green to indicate it is in progress and goals such as completing the County’s updated Active Transportation Plan​ have been accomplished.

The measure Incentivize Infill Development is labeled yellow as efforts have begun in support of the initiative.

The measure Establish EV Parking Code is marked red as efforts have not yet begun on the measure.

“Dashboard users can also see clearly what the County is doing to adapt to increasing temperatures, sea levels, flooding, wildfires, and changing water supplies,” said Lundgren.

“We have launched this site to foster transparency with the public and demonstrate accountability towards the progress of our initiatives,” said Lundgren.

Learn more about the dashboard at ​